Sunday, August 28, 2005

August 2005

Last post was July so I thought I'd describe my August.

Missed the tryouts for Sac Opera doing some dancing. Would have been neat to do an opera now that I've done a musical, but had probally the worst knee pain I'd ever experienced. Life of a dancer right? Went to the doc who did nothing as usual, and the pain that was powerful enough to wake me each night lasted about a week (don't do pain killers). Over that now though. I hurt my knee in '95 snowboarding that led to pain every fall or when it gets cold. I hurt it again in 2000-something in a motorcycle accident, and most recently hurt it dancing. Same knee each time... what abuse! I should turn myself into peta for abusal of the species Kneeus Maximus or something. Yeah, peta... enough of them.

Just got back from the Infineon raceway with Doc Mandigo where I saw the Indy Grand Prix (IRL) which was pretty slick. Started up with Miata racing too which wasn't bad either.

I'm burned now, and wish I didn't wear a sleeveless shirt to the race... none at all would have led to a great tan.

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