Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Love of Their Life

I can't compete with the love of their life.

I won't compete.

I've been in relationships where they had a past crush or love that never was fully realized or that they have held a torch for. It's not fair.

I've been told about past flames and when I asked a bit more I've been told things like they live too far away now, they're in a relationship, etc.

What that REALLY means is that if the person moved close or broke up with whoever they were with and expressed interest then I'd be left. Straight up. Black and white facts here.

If the love of their life dumped who they were with and then came back, I'd be the one left in the dust.

What's with past flames? I hate it. When I hear the phrase 'the love of my life' from someone I'm with and they're not talking about me (they never are) then I start to connect the dots. I grow weary.

It could be a rough time in our relationship the 'love' comes around, then I hear about it after a one night stand, or perhaps I catch a phone call where they are planning it. Happened a few times to me and really perhaps I'm just cursed when it comes to relationships.

Look everyone, if someone broke up with you then why still think about them? They left and things won't work out. Don't ever get back together with someone that leaves you. It will happen again and again and again..

Perhaps it was great sex so it's something that's forever desired and becomes a constant cheat when they call you at 3am and the person you're in a relationship in is out of town..

The solution is to let it all go.

Forget about the past, I mean why when you say to your significant other 'I love you' can you be truly honest if you're holding onto others in your heart or the true desire for 'the love of your life' who is clearly NOT this person in front of you?

Be true to yourself and never let your definition of love weaken. When you say 'I love you' then you better mean it with all your heart and not have someone in your heart you're holding onto stronger..

It's not fair to the person you're with. End the relationship if this is the case, go talk to 'the love of your life' and quickly realize things won't work with them, get over it, and stop carrying emotional baggage that can harm all your future relationships. Perhaps things do work out.. either way you're happier.

Some people are able to stay virgins until the day of marriage. Never had an outside desire for another sexually but guess what? I've met girls like that whom still had 'the love of their lives' out there.. a relationship from the past that they still think about. Virginity doesn't exclude them.

You have to get over these people from your past to be able to fully love someone you're in a relationship with.

I'm not heartless.. when I'm with someone and get to the point I actually say I love them.. I mean it. From then on I always will love them and they'll always have a piece of my heart.

What scares me is that I'm running out of heart to give.

One thing's for sure.. I make sure to try and wipe out all feelings of wanting those people anymore before getting into another relationship. It's only fair.. and I've learned a lot but I know this is the best way.

Why can't I be the love of someone's life? How about that? No, it's always a relationship where they talk about someone else as the 'one' or 'love of my life' or 'the one that got away.'

I hate it. I want to be that one. I'm sure that would make the perfect relationship.. we're both each others soul mates.. the love of each others lives.

I'd like that.